Wednesday, 19 February 2014

The Reason Why I Don't Tattooed

In this article I will discuss about something that is rife committed by teenagers in the world. I will discuss about the phenomenon of drawing on the body with ink. We often refer to as a tattoo.

But first I'll apologize if my english is not good. I am writing this article with the English language so that the west can read this article. Because so many people were questioned about tattoos in Islam (especially converts). I was born and raised as a Muslim. Hopefully with my limited knowledge, I can give opinions on tattoos in Islam. 
In this modern era tattoos became the fashion needs of Islam teenagers. I think that something is wrong, because the tattooed body is haram in Islam. As a teenager who became lead singer of metal band I really wanted to have a tattoo of my body. But when I think I finally did it. Because why? Because too many reasons why I am not tattooing my body, one of which is the reason of religion demands that I follow. Yes in Islam tattooing / body tattooing was very forbidden (haram). Although a lot of Muslims are tattooed and they have a thousand reasons to give the argument that the tattoo was halal, but once again I think tattoos is haram. Why haram? I’ll give you the reasons why.

Then now Islam viewa on tattos? Lets get through it together. In Islam, Qur'an and the Sunnah (Hadith) became the main reference in any case of life. All the problem in our lives and the solution must have instructions in both the guidelines, including the tatoo.

 “”And indeed I (Shyatan) will definitely lead them into error, and indeed I will definitely arouse (vain) covetings in them, and indeed I will definitely command them (and) so indeed they will definitely cut off the cattle's ears; (One of the superstitions of the pagans) and indeed I (Shaytan) will definitely command them (and) so indeed they will definitely change the creation of Allah." And whoever takes Shaytan to himself for a constant patron apart from Allah, then he has already suffered (Literally: lost) evidently the greatest loss.”
(QS. An-Nisaa : 119)
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In this verse, tattoos banned for changing the form of the creation of Allah SWT. Allah has created beings and creatures in a state of the most perfect form. The order and regularity which has been governed by his very beautiful. We are given two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth, and was given a clean skin when born into this world. So when we die we should go back again as we are born with a clean skin. That form of his original creation.

Then when we have tattoo, meaning there is a part of our body is changing, in terms of skin that was clean but now there are pictures. And all of us accountable for everything that should be in the grave and the afterlife when back to Allah. Because we are not Al-Khaliq (the Creator), then we have no right to change the shape of Allah creations are already perfect. So, this is the first reason why tattoos are haram.

I have a friend, he is an artist. Painting/pictures that he made an awesome and also his tattoos too. One day I visited the workshop to see the results of his work and there was a conversation between me and Beni.

A: Very nice pictures as well as your tattoos Ben.

B: Thank bro!

A: Ben may i ask you something? 

B: yeah sure.. what would you ask?

A: What do you think about tattoos? 

B: Ehhm .. I think tattoos are a part of the artistic expression. Symbol of respect for the civilization that appreciate beauty. Why are you questioning it? Do you want to make a tattoo?

A : Hahaha.. no thanks. But Ben you are a muslim right?

B : Yeah im just like you, im muslim too. 

A : So..why you tattooed your body?

B : God also loves art and beauty isnt it? as long as I do not adverse anyone else, i think its okey. Tattooing is my artwork and do not harm other people.
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A : ohh ok..and what do you think about the human body? Is a very beautiful work of art?

B : Yeaah.. it is a masterpiece that is very beautiful

A : even a single hair?

B : yes .. even nose hairs and armpit hairs was haha
(then I walked to one of the pictures of Beni work).

A : Beni, how do you feel when I draw another pict on your paintings with markers?? Will you be angry?

B : yes of course I'm angry.

A : why? This is one of artistic expression right?

B : yes, but we should still appreciate the work that has been created by someone else.

A : ohh .. then how about your  tatto? You just said that the human body is a very beautiful art work. Who created the human body?

B : God the creator of the universe.

A : Why do you changing the work of your God with tattoos?? if you feel angry when your work be changing by someone else, then so does the feeling of your God when you're changing his masterpiece work. hehe.

B : ........

So having tattoos done and tattooing is a major sin. The reason for it being haram has not been given but some scholars believe that it may be because it is changing the creation of Allah. Right?

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Whether enough only just in Al-Quran?  I don’t think so, because all of us have understand the fact that  Islam = Al-Quran + Hadith (Sunna). But there are some people who simply just refers to the Quran?

"...... If you differ on something, then bring him back to Allah and His Messenger, ......."
(Qs. An-Nisaa : 59)

The scholars have agreed that it is a return to God and his messenger is a return to the Quran and Sunnah. It also shows that the Sunnah also has a position as a determinant of Islamic law in conjunction with the Qur'an, and this position can not be separated. 

Furthermore, it is clarified by Rasululullah SAW in his hadith: "Allah cursed the women who connect her hair and asking to connect to, and the woman who asked tatto or tatooed." (Narrated by Bukhari no.5933).

From this hadith is clear that tattoos are forbidden by Allah. He even threatened to curse anyone who dared to perform activities tattoos, whether tattooed or who ask for the tattoo. Widened slightly, in the hadith is also mentioned about the curse of Allah SWT for the women who connect hair (hair extensions). But here I am not going to talk about hair because I am not an expert on hair and because I don’t have hair haha (bald).

“May Allah curse the women who do tattoos and those for whom tattoos are done, those who pluck their eyebrows and those who file their teeth for the purpose of beautification and alter the creation of Allah.” (Al-Bukhaari, al-Libaas, 5587; Muslim, al-Libaas, 5538).

Why in the hadith only mentioned women only? That's because at the time of the Prophet Muhammad's life, a lot of it is women who tattooed. They are usually tattooed on the brow. Thus proposed hadith Prophet Muhammad applies to both men and women, because today not only women have tattoos but men too. So it is clear that the hadith of the Prophet is the second reason why tattoos are Haram.

Narrated Alqama: 'Abdullah (bin Masud) said. "Allah curses those ladies who practice tattooing and those who get themselves tattooed, and those ladies who remove the hair from their faces and those who make artificial spaces between their teeth in order to look more beautiful whereby they change Allah's creation." His saying reached a lady from Bani Asd called Um Yaqub who came (to Abdullah) and said, "I have come to know that you have cursed such-and-such (ladies)?" He replied, "Why should I not curse these whom Allah's Apostle has cursed and who are (cursed) in Allah's Book!" Um Yaqub said, "I have read the whole Quran, but I did not find in it what you say." He said, "Verily, if you have read it (i.e. the Quran), you have found it. Didn't you read: ‘And whatsoever the Apostle gives you take it and whatsoever he forbids you, you abstain (from it)’. (59.7) She replied, "Yes, I did," He said, "Verily, Allah's Apostle forbade such things." "She said, "But I see your wife doing these things?" He said, "Go and watch her." She went and watched her but could not see anything in support of her statement. On that he said, "If my wife was as you thought, I would not keep her in my company." (Al-Bukhari, Volume 2. hadith no 2096). 

For Muslims who do not believe in hadith, I will ask you something. Do you have praying five times a day (shalat)? If you do the Morning prayer (Shubuh) as two rak'ahs? Midday (Dzuhur) Four rak'ahs? Asr (Ashar) four rak’ahs? Sunset (Magrib) three ra’kahs? and Isha four rak'ahs? If you do it, means you have to agree with my arguments below.

Whether Al-Quran explains the the three rak'aks of the Sunsut (Maghrib) prayer? Whether Al-Quran explans in detail about the procedure of player? The answer is.. NO!!!! Al-Quran tells Mulims only for fulfilling theirs players. So where we can find out in detail the procedures for prayer? The procedures described in the Sunnah and Hadith. As well as issues tattoos Quran does not explain in detail, but described in detail by the Propet Sunnah and Hadith. So if there is a Muslim who does not believe in Hadith means that there is something wrong with them. Right?
“Verily, those who deny Allah and His Messengers and (those who) wish to separate Allah from His Messengers (by believing in Allah and disbelieving in His Messengers), saying: "We believe in some but reject others": and (those who) wish to adopt a way in between. They are in truth (equally) Unbelievers; and We have prepared for Unbelievers a humiliating Punishment. To those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and make no distinction between any of the Messengers, We shall soon give their (due) rewards: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.”
(QS. An-Nisaa : 150-153)

Lets talk about wudhu and tattoos. Some people say that the tattoos was halal, just because it doesn't blocking of water during wudhu. They say that water can get into tattooed skin. They says the tattooed skin can secrete a sweat. And some people say that tattoos are haram, because water cant penetrate into the skin. So which one is correct? 

Let me explain. I do not agree if the tattoo is haram just because can't be entry of water into the skin. It is a weak excuse. Actually haram or halal tattoos instead of entering or not the water that enters the skin but of how to create the tattoo. Tatto is jabbing the needle to the skin, so the skin to bleed and then given ink or something to skin so that it becomes colored. 

When the tattooed, tattoo ink is inserted into the body and will be mixed with the blood in the body and become a picture that came out in the skin. The picture is generated from a mixture of ink tattoo with the blood in the body. So, there was dried blood mixed with ink on our bodies/skin. 

The question is? Do you know the purpose of wudu is to cleanse/purify our self of Najis (dirt). And did you know that the blood is Najis (dirt). Ehm, I might have to explain what it is 'Najis'. In Arabic language Najis is meaning al qadzarah which means it is dirty. Najis is something that is considered dirty and prevents the rightful prayers without any mitigating factors. 

The scholars agreed that the blood including Najis items. The opinion was based on Al-Quran surah Al-An `am : 145. Blood is included as Najis Mutawassithah.

"I do not find in what has been revealed to me anything prohibited to an eater (Literally: feeder) who feeds thereof except it be carrion, (i.e., deal meat) or blood poured forth or the flesh of swine, (for) then surely that is an abomination or an immoral thing that has been acclaimed to other than Allah. Yet whoever is constrained, without being inequitable or aggressive, then surely your Lord is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful."
(QS. Al – An’am : 145)
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Ablution purpose is to purify ourselves from all filth and unclean. If our wudhu are not perfect ablution then our prayer is not valid. Now imagine if we had dried blood and mixed with the ink in the skin and that can't be cleaned with water. Whether we will be a perfect wudhu? And valid if we pray?

So it is clear that blood on your skin is najis and it is the third reason why tattoos are Haram.

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Then because why tatooed was haram (again) ? The reason is because tattooed it's hurt yourself. Do you know that Allah hates people who hurt themselve and beyond the limits? In Islam it's call Dzalim.
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“And in no way did We do them an injustice, but they did themselves (an) injustice. So in no way did (their) gods that they invoked apart from Allah avail them in anything as soon as the Command of your Lord came. And in no way did they increase them (in anything) other than in complete detriment” 
(QS. Huud  : 101)

“..but they did themselve (an) injustice..” This has meaning for all those who persecute themself. Persecute yourself = hurting yourself. So it is clear that hurting yourself is the fourth reason why tattoos are Haram. I had never been tattooed but I'm really sure if the tattoo is very painful but it’s addictive. That's why many people who continue to reproduce the tattoo even if it hurts. Right? 

What I have encountered in any command or prohibition in Islam, surely there is a great wisdom, included in the tattoo world. Speaking of medical terms, the facts show that people with tattoos have a great opportunity to get various types of diseases.
Dr. Irma Bernadette Simbolon, dermatovenereulogist (skin doctor) from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) states that people who are fond of body tattooing (tattooed) very high risk of getting various diseases. Merajah meaning that injure the body by a tattoo or piercing (body piercing). When a tattoo needle piercing start to jabing the body, a chance to get wounded its very large. In the wound that various germs lurking to get into the body. In addition, the wounds inflicted can cause irritation that leads to infections and various types of diseases. Some diseases which are Migraine, Chronic Infection, Abscess or abscess, Tetanus, Neurological disorders, Hepatitis B and C, Systemic lupus erythematosus or lupus or HIV AIDS.

Other risks that have to face is the use of non-sterile tattoo needles. No one can guarantee that the tattoo using a sterile needle and new. And instead of used needles that have beedn used over and over again. Logic such like this, the tattoo that's also business people who want to make a profit from the activities of the tattoo. So if he can save cost by using a tattoo needle that has been used, why not? (maybe) hehe. If he still uses a new needle, but still there is a possibility he forgot or could not tell which are new and which are old (used). 

Alright, check this out! For the enthusiast of football, especially the English league, certainly know the players Club Arsenal's named Fredrik Ljungberg Karl. The Swedish player has always been a mainstay of Arsene Wenger (Arsenal manager) in the squad nicknamed the Gunners. However, since in recent years the name Ljungberg had not been heard in the world of football because of the coach has been rarely played and practical Ljungberg almost always sit on the bench. 

Reasons Arsene Wenger does not want to play a Ljungberg is simple: because the players often headache (migraine) suddenly, and incredibly, it came without cause disease. Sometimes it comes at practice and sometimes come in while being in the game. Arsenal Team doctors also can not detect the origins of migraine disease that often comes to Ljungberg. After approximately two years of extensive research, the doctor finally discovered why, which is derived from ink tattoos on her body! 

Ljungberg is also modeled for Calvin Klein and it does look cool it grow cool with two panther tattooed on his body, each of which is in the back and stomach. Initially it looks cool, but it turns out, the risks posed enormous. Doctors say that the ink tattoo inside the body reacts to the lymph tissue in the waist causing inflammation in the nerve tissue, resulting in treat migraines and even cancer risk. And now his career anded just because'two panthers' in the back and stomach. 
From several international news sites on this subject:
  1. “In 2005 a mysterious persistent hip injury led to fears he may have contracted cancer, which were unfounded. It transpired that he was suffering from blood poisoning caused by his large tattoos.”
  1.  “In 2005, Freddie suffered rare complications when ink from the tattoos caused a lymphatic gland to inflame.”

So in conclusion, the tattoo is forbidden and haram. In terms of any, either religious or health, a tattoo is not a good thing. Perhaps there are some of us who want to have a tattoo simply because of the trend or follow someone else, but believe that it's all just temporary. Maybe next year the tattooed person is tired and wants to eliminate the tattoo instead, as reflected in a recent survey in the United States that more than 50% of people with tattoos feel regret and want to remove the tattoo. This is not to mention the impact of dangerous diseases that could arise from the tattoos.
I have explained clearly why the tattoo in forbidden in Islam. So whether you are going to tattoo your body? it's up to you. I just explained what I know and I believe. Everything is back to each other's opinions of you all. It would be nice of you to think about what you would do. Right?

So what about the Muslims who already have tattoos? What is also important, because tattoos are haram then tattooed every Muslim should take the decision to remove the tattoo. But before that, you should consult to your professional health care (the doctor), whether your actions to remove tattoos that endanger their health or not. If no harm, he should immediately eliminate the tattoo. But if the harm to health, first you have to repent sincerely and regret what you have done (tattooed your body), and the most important thing is no to repeat it (not tattooed again).

“… O you who have believed, repent to Allah in honest repentance; it may be that your Lord will expiate for you your ill deeds and will cause you to enter Gardens (Jannah) from beneath which rivers run …”
(QS. At Tahrim : 8)

In a Hadith the Prophet of Allah said: "Verily Allah forgive from my ummah, mistakes, forgetfulness and everything that is forced upon him." (Narrated by Al-Hakin from Ibn Abas).
Now what if non Muslims wishing to become Muslim and from New Muslims who had tattoos done when they were not Muslim? A person can become a Muslim even if they have had tattoos done to them or if they were involved in tattooing. You can do not have to remove them in order to become a Muslim. You can pray, do wudhu and do all your Islamic duties even if you have tattoos.

“Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds; for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”
(Qs Al-Furqaan : 70)
Islam is a religion that is not incriminating to his people (Ummah) and Islam is a religion that can be received well by the mind, so all that was set by Islam certainly be accepted by common sense. I guess that’s all for tatoos topic. Take what you think is right and leave what you think is wrong (bad). I am just a human who still has many faults and shortcomings and finally only Allah the Most Right. Thanks for reading.

Good Muslims always stay away from the debate 

written in the bedroom, read anywhere. greetings from Riskgumilang. Heaven yeah!!!

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